Welcome to
Our Lady of Lourdes
Catholic Church Rivonia

Rev Fr. Paul Beukes OMI
Parish Priest
God of Love, May you bless
those who feel they have no hope, help them to understand your love and what you can do for their lives. Pour out your spirit on
those who follow your
footsteps that they may
know your peace.

6th Sunday Ordinary Time Year C
" Blessed the man who has placed his trust in the Lord" Psalm 1
Reflections by Father Paul Beukes OMI
Today, the sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time, the church invites us to place our trust in God and in his only Son, Jesus Christ. Through His resurrection, Christ conquered death and strengthened our faith and hope of eternal life.
Our Lady of Lourdes
Catholic Church Rivonia
Telephone +27 11 8031229
Email: parishoffice@rivoniacatholic.co.za
Physical Address:
Cnr North & Rivonia Roads, Edenburg, Rivonia. Johannesburg South Africa
Parish Secretary: Marian Symons
Administrator: Lisa Pereira
OFFICE HOURS: 08h00 to 16h00
For Mass Intentions please contact the Parish Office
Standard Bank
Account Name: Rivonia Catholic
Account Number: 220041059

Mass Times
Weekend Mass Times:
Saturday : 17h30
Sunday: 07h30, 09h30 and 17h30
Week Day Mass Times
Monday : 08h00
Tuesday : 06h30
Wednesday : 08h00
Thursday : 08h00
Friday : Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Followed by Holy Mass at 17h00
Saturday : 10h00 to 11h00
Ash Wednesday Mass Times
5 March : 6h00, 8h00, 13h00, 18h00
Parish Notices
Catechism Classes are on Sundays at 08h30
Confirmation Classes on Mondays at 18h00.
Youth Choir- All children and young people are welcome to join our youth choir. Contact Bronwyn on 082 820 0879
Parish Youth Ministry - Friday evenings from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. The age range is 14 - 35 years old.
Parish Jumble Sale will be taking place on Saturday, 1 March 2025 at 10am.
RCIA (Adult enquiry class) - If you are interested in joining RCIA please register on the parish website to join the next group.
Spiritual Accompaniment Available:
Are you seeking a deep connection with God and yourself? Contact Tim Simba: 083 784 2504 tsimba28@gmail.com.
Linda & LeRoux Viljoen will be on Radio Veritas this Sunday at 17h00 to 18h00 on the Show “Sacred Vows” talking on marriage and engagement. DSTV870 Radio Veritas app or on radioveritas.co.za

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
The RCIA program is for anyone wishing to participate in the Catholic Faith, this program prepares you to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation. If you are a young adult Catholic who would like to complete the sacraments of Holy Communion or Confirmation you are welcome to join this program. The program starts after Easter every year. For more information please WhatsApp David Carey on 082 889 7627 or email the parish office marian@rivoniacatholic.co.za
RCIA ...it is time!
You are most welcome to join!
Our Vision:
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church Rivonia is a life-giving community that gives witness by serving God through inviting and involving all into communion with Christ.
Our Mission:
Being an inclusive parish by celebrating diversity Growth in spirituality and worship.
Treat each other with love, respect, and dignity.